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Help videos


API v2 is no longer under development. To add videos, we recommend using API v3.

netDecor can play videos (located in 'help’ tab). List of videos can be different per language chosen. To add videos to netDecor instance, you need to call:

NetDecor.Help.AddVideoList(videoFilesJson: string);

videoFilesJSON : string – JSON with videos names, in specified format:

videoJson = {
"LangCode 1":[
{"Name":"Shown name","FilePath":"video URL"},
{"Name":"Shown name","FilePath":"video URL"}
"LangCode 2":[
{"Name":"Shown name","FilePath":"video URL"},
{"Name":"Shown name","FilePath":"video URL"}
"LangCode 3":[
{"Name":"Shown name","FilePath":"video URL"},
{"Name":"Shown name","FilePath":"video URL"}

"LangCode" – ISO 639-1 language code (two letters). Available languages depends on specific netDecor customization. Program will switch help tab to use that language video list.


function onReady()

videoJson =
{"Name":"Dodatkowe Wyposażenie","FilePath":"PL//dodatkowewyposazenie.mp4"},
{"Name":"Kolor Ścian I Podłogi","FilePath":"PL//kolorscianipodlogi.mp4"}
{"Name":"Additional Equipment","FilePath":"PL//dodatkowewyposazenie.mp4"},
{"Name":"Floor and Walls Color","FilePath":"PL//kolorscianipodlogi.mp4"}
{"Name":"Wand-und Bodenfarbe","FilePath":"PL//kolorscianipodlogi.mp4"}



"Build/","{ \"dbaddr\":\"database/\"}",onReady);